New Granite finish

Create a granite style finish using La Casa dei Sogni with a top coat of Iper Vetro to give a glossy hardwearing surface

The application is very easy with only one coat of La Casa dei Sogni, applied with our glove. All protected with a coat of Iper Vetro, to give that look of a true Brazilian Granite.

The easy in the 169 colours available from Giorgio Graesan.

The great surface resistance and shine is suitable for environments with great traffic: hotels, banks, offices, corridors, bathrooms and kitchens. In any location where originality and hard wear are required.


It can be applied on wood and therefore used to add character to furniture, tables and doors.

Furniture and walls can therefore be co-ordinated in the same colour, making it disappear from view.

Click here to see the application of Ipervetro creating GRANITO BRASILIANO